Friday, January 25, 2013

The Facebook Case: Motivations, Ethics, Sympathies

On Thursday night, you read "The Facebook Case" for homework.  After having read the case, please consider the following: what are the motivations of each of the individuals involved in the case?  How does each make a wise or unwise set of ethical or unethical decisions?  With whom do you sympathize most?  Please answer in NO FEWER THAN 10 THOUGHTFUL AND WELL-CONSTRUCTED SENTENCES.


  1. Michelle was upset about being humiliated in front Ms. Jean's class and her performance on her test, and she is convinced that she is being singled out.
    Ms. Jean is tired of being a teacher which is a career she never wanted anyway. she believes she has already tried to help michelle and is angry when she finds out Michelle complained about her, So she decides to make things worse by escalating any mean behavior she had before
    Janet likes to suck up to michelle, as michelle is popular and janet wants some shared glory. so when Michelle takes out her frustrations by creating a Facebook page to make fun of Ms. Jean, Janet is only to eager to help with everything. John is Michelle's boyfriend, and wants to impress her so he initially helps with the page. However, as items on the page get worse and worse, he backs off. Alison used to be best friends with Michelle, but is starting to feel like Michelle is hanging with the wrong crowds, and she is drifting away from her. She doesn't contribute to the page, but has visited it before. Mr. Roberts is the school principal and is very angry when he discovers the page. He knows Michelle and sympathizes somewhat with her treatment by Ms. Jean. He tries to take the appropriate action when concerning Ms. Jean. However, He definitely does not approve of the page, which has gotten pretty dangerous by the time He catches on it. I sympathize with Michelle because I have been in the situation of having a bad teacher, though I've never had it as bad as this. I don't approve however, with Michelle's truly wild side as much, and definitely not of the page. If you are going to make anything like that to relieve your frustration. The two biggest mistakes is A. posting it online and B. allowing anybody at all to be able to add to it.

  2. I think that this case had many problems with it. First of all, a teacher should have the desire to teach and want to help unlike Ms. Jean. She should not have been teaching in the first place if she could not dedicate herself to the job. I think the dad did the right thing by talking to the principal to help figure this problem out. Mr. Roberts, the principal, was not very helpful. He said he could not change Michelle's schedule, but would talk to Ms. Jean. It was good to talk to Ms. Jean, but it was bad to mention the name of the student who complained. Mr. Roberts had heard many complaints about Ms. Jean and he should have fired her awhile ago. When he talked to her, he should have said that he has heard many complaints and would like to help her improve. Because Mr. Roberts did not handle the situation properly, Ms. Jean purposely made it harder for Michelle, this leading to her idea of having the facebook page to vent. I understand that she wanted to get her thoughts out, but she should have kept a journal or something else that would be private. Because of her site, she led to a lot of horrible things being said about her math teacher, and also people were cheating. I think that when Mr.Roberts decided to punish everyone involved, he was wrong. He should not have punished the kid who told, and the kids who stopped using it after realizing how bad it was should have had a lighter punishment. I don't think that Michelle deserves the worst punishment because she did not intend on this, but she should get a pretty hard punishment. I think the people who should get the biggest punishment should be those who posted the comments forcing Ms. Jean to retire, and also the kids who were cheating. I don't feel bad for Ms. Jean because she had it coming.

  3. Before I touch on the motivations and decisions of the students, it is important to discuss Ms. Jean’s role in all of this. It’s debatable whether, or not she purposely singled out Michelle, but it’s not debatable that many have complained about her. Michelle’s older brother said that she wasn’t a very nice teacher and Janet (whose opinions could be biased in support of Michelle) said that Ms. Jean was mean to her the previous year. Even the principal, Mr. Roberts said that over the last few years, he had received numerous complaints about Ms. Jean and that two students every semester dropped her class. Ms. Jean’s motivations are slightly unclear. Sure she never wanted to be a teacher and even though she isn’t very fond of the students, she shouldn’t make them feel as though she hates them, or that she is singling them out. Michelle’s motivations in this case are pretty obvious. She feels singled out by Ms. Jean, so she creates a Facebook page which allows her to vent her anger, while also allowing other students to do the same. She feels that this is fair considering that Mr. Roberts the principal wouldn’t let her switch out of the class and because her parents stopped supporting her on the matter. Although I feel that her decision to create the page (even though I feel she is not completely responsible for what other people post) is wrong and potentially unethical, I can understand where she is coming from and her reasoning. Janet’s motivations are pretty clear as well. She enjoys the attention that being around Michelle brings to her. This is why she participates heavily with the page and also why she shows no remorse in her decision. She was also “singled out” by Ms. Jean and see’s nothing wrong with the page. I feel that her decision to “suck up” to Michelle was unethical. I also found her decision to write racist and potentially offensive remarks about Ms. Jean unwise as well. John seems to be the most level headed of all the characters. Even though he’s motivated to make Michelle happy, he still doesn’t let this lead him down the wrong path. He does post things for Michelle, but he realizes that he does not approve of the page and eventually stops participating in its existence. Alison also seems very level headed and ethical when comes to decision. She stops hanging out with Michelle when Michelle starts getting involved with the “wrong” crowd. She also only visited the page instead of actually using it and ranting. She also refused to skip class to go to lunch with Michelle, which shows that she actually know how to say no to her. Mr. Roberts I feel made some questionable decisions throughout the story. It said in the story that Mr. Roberts allowed other students to switch out of Ms. Jean’s class but he doesn’t allow Michelle to. I feel that this unethical and unjust based on his previous actions. He sends Greg before the honor council, even though he isn’t friends with those involved. I will admit that Greg’s actions to use the page to cheat unethical, but Mr. Roberts never knew this. I sympathize with most of the characters slightly except Mr. Roberts and Janet. Michelle felt singled and tried to vent her anger, Alison stayed true to herself, John said no to what he didn’t want to do, and Ms. Jean doesn’t deserve death threats. Mr. Roberts seems to contradict himself a lot in his decision making and Janet is a “suck up” who wants to leech off of Michelle’s “popularity” in hopes of increasing her social status. In closing I feel that the case is an interesting one that his difficult to analyze do to the multiple ways of looking at it and the actions of its characters.

  4. Michelle’s motivation in creating the obscene facebook page comes from feeling humiliated and mocked by Ms.Jean in front of the entire math class. Ms. Jean is very mean to Michelle because she feels betrayed by Michelle, whom she thought that she was being helpful and supportive to. Michelle’s decision to create the facebook page was unethical, because Michelle’s statement that Ms. Jean was singling her out was the main cause for Ms.Jean’s anger. Furthermore, if Michelle wanted to vent at Ms. Jean, she should have made it a private affair and something that she kept to herself, not posting it on a public page in which anyone can have access to.
    Mr. Roberts motivation in trying the five students is to set the “Facebook case” as an example for other students so he puts all five students he knows was involved in-front of honor council. Despite it being a hard issue to resolve and allot punishments for, I believe this was an ethical decision.
    Alison is best friends with Michelle and was confronted by the principal. She had to verify about the existence of the page. Alison has not really done anything wrong, yet she is also in front of the honor council.
    Greg told the Principal about the facebook page because he felt that if they were to get in trouble, he wanted to be the one to tell the principal so he would not get in trouble. I think Greg’s decision to tell the principal about the page was ethical, but Greg still looked at test answers, and whether they were correct or incorrect, it is still cheating and was wrong.
    John Colbert, Michelle’s boyfriend is involved in the case because he liked Michelle did not want to say no to her about helping with the page. I do not believe John’s decision in helping Michelle was unethical, because he knew the site was wrong from the very beginning and he also posted mean things about Ms. Jean as well.
    Janet is involved in the case because she believes Michelle is really popular and wanted her attention, no matter what the costs. Janet decision to help with the page is unethical because is only doing it for the approval of Michelle.

  5. Alison was the best friend of Michelle in this case. Alison knew about the site and that Michelle created it, but she did not tell Mr. Roberts that she created the page. Alison never contributed to the page and she doesn’t know why she is in front of the honor council and I agree with her because she never contributed to the site. Alison probably believed she still had a remaining friendship with Michelle, which probably explains why she did not tell Mr. Roberts that Michelle created the site. John, Michelle’s boyfriend, did contribute to the page but his contribution came to a halt when racial and violent comments towards Ms. Jean began to appear. John contributed by putting up pictures and comments in the early phases of the page because Michelle asked him to. All his comments and pictures were from Michelle though. His motivations to these actions were just because Michelle told him to and he wanted to make his girlfriend happy. Michelle was the person behind it all. She created the website as a “practical joke.” She did not mean for the page to be used as a cheating source, but she also did not prevent it. Michelle created the site because she felt that Ms. Jean singled Michelle out and picked on her. Michelle should have the harshest punishment in my opinion because she is the creator. Janet was a new friend of Michelle’s who helped create and contribute to the webpage. Janet posted racially offensive emails and personal information on the site. Janet only did these things to impress Michelle, who was popular, so Janet could fit in with the popular crowd. Mr. Roberts discovered the webpage through a student named Greg Smith. Greg posted information on the page and also used test answers for cheating. He told Mr. Roberts about the site ONLY because he heard another student was going and Greg wanted to be the first to do so. He believes he shouldn’t be punished because he told Mr. Roberts but if I were on the honor council I would still punish him because he did contribute to the webpage. I sympathize with Allison most because sometimes I find myself in the struggle of truth vs. loyalty. Sometimes I want to tell the truth of something that I see that is wrong, but sometimes if it is a friend involved in the action, I don’t want to say anything. I want to keep the friendship but I also want to do the right thing in my own mind.

  6. I probably sympathize with Alison the most. She is a loyal friend when Michelle is having problems with her teacher but doesn’t take place in any shenanigans. Alison makes the ethical choice by not being involved in the website.
    John should receive some punishment for posting things on the website, but he did not play a large role in the website. He was mainly following Michelle’s orders. John made the wrong choice in taking part in posting things to the website. John is trying to please his girlfriend in this case; he doesn’t harbor any real resentment toward Ms. Jean.
    Michelle definitely carries a lot of blame for the situation. She, along with Janet, started the website. I do not believe, however, that Michelle should be punished on charges of racism or violent threads. Michelle should have shut the website down once it got out of hand. She made a bad choice in starting it in the first place.
    Janet should receive some punishment for posting on the website. She was motivated by resentment towards Ms. Jean. Janet says that she should not be punished for something she did not do on school property, but she negatively affected the school by forcing Ms. Jean to retire. Janet probably deserves the worst punishment.
    Greg Smith deserves credit for speaking up about the offensive webpage. I don’t believe he should receive punishment because he owned up about his actions. Killing the messenger is usually not a good policy. Greg Smith made the right decision in speaking up about the webpage.
    Mr. Roberts says that he finds value in “making examples” of students, but I believe this is bad policy that ultimately leads to unfair punishment that just increases unrest among the community. He should do something about the comments on the webpage because the violate the honor code, but the punishment should not be as severe as if the students had said something in real life to Ms. Jean.
    Ms. Jean is obviously a victim, but she is not a blameless one. Ms. Jean is a poor teacher who seems to do more to hurt her students than help them. She is completely unfounded in suing the school for racial discrimination. The school has no part in the webpage. Also, most of the students in front of the honor council did not post any racial comments.

  7. The motives of each of the individuals are as follows: Beneath the harmful actions that Michelle took by creating the website, her root intentions were only to have justice with the entire situation, and in that way be rid of the emotional trauma she was experiencing. Unfortunately, she made extreme decisions when trying to take the situation into her own hands, and everything spiraled out of control. It's hard to know exactly how the interactions played out between Michelle and Ms. Jean since both accounts were taken from hugely different perspectives, so whether or not Michelle was justified in doing this is not determinable. From Ms. Jean's perspective, she was actually helping Michelle out with her work, and trying to get her to do better in the class. Her motives in this situation was to be taken seriously in the class, and she found that the only way to do that was to be stricter with the children. Her take on this was that she wasn't singling out Michelle, but since her intentions were to help, perhaps she didn't deserve all of this backlash. I sympathize the most with Michelle's boyfriend, John. He was thrust into this who situation without wanting to be, but he handled it very respectably. He made an honorable decision to sacrifice the integrity of his relationship with his girlfriend in sacrifice for the sake of a person he didn't care about. This was especially bold of him to do considering that fact that he really wanted the relationship to succeed. Michelle's was justified in wanting to stand up to Ms. Jean, but she did it in a stupid way. I think taking your anger out through social media is really reckless and potentially dangerous.

  8. Michelle Bowman is a frustrated student who made a poor decision. She faces a lot of pressure from her parents to do well in school because her older brother set the bar of expectations very high. Her frustration is understandable; it sounds like she’s been working hard by doing her homework and studying for each test, but she’s failing the class. I’ve never failed a class before, but as a student I can only imagine the horror of having a 45 as my average in a class where the teacher is unapproachable and unwilling to help. Michelle’s biggest pore mistake was in creating the Facebook page for Ms. Jean. This was an immature decision that came out of frustration. Ms. Jean is the reluctant teacher and unfortunate victum of Michelle’s website. Ms. Jean never wanted to be a teacher so she is unmotivated to help Michelle or any other student. She’s counting down the days until retirement and doesn’t think she can connect with the students, so she is harsh and unfair with them. Janet is a friend of Michelle’s who contributed to the website by helping start the page and posting things on it. Janet did it because she wanted to be cool. Sucking up to Michelle equaled popularity points for Janet. Her poor decision came from her longing to be popular, which lead her to being a big contributer to the Ms. Jean website. Alison used to be better friends with Michelle until she became a partier. She misses the way Michelle used to be, but never acted upon it. I can sympathize with how she handled the website. She knew it existed, but didn’t contribute to it or turn Michelle in. If I were in her place, I would have done the same thing because the website seems like a bad idea, but I wouldn’t want to turn in a friend I’ve been distant from. John Colbert is also in a tough spot. He’s falling in love with Michelle and doesn’t want to lose her by telling her how he really feels about the Facebook page. Despite his reasoning, he should have told her to stop. If they were really “in love” he should be able to tell her anything. It shows that he can’t trust her to not get mad about expressing his opinion. Before telling Michelle that he loves her, John should really work out the trust and openness issues they seem to have in their relationship.
    Over all, this issue could have been avoided if Michelle had a little more confidence and maturity. She should have found the courage to seek help from Ms. Jean and talk to her individually. If that didn’t prove to be effective, then Michelle should have just gotten a tutor to help her. Creating a page to bash a teacher is not a smart idea for several reasons. Instead of spending her time posting picture on a page, she should have been trying to find a way to fix her grade. If Michelle had handled the situation with maturity, she would not have created the page and found another way to boost her grade, either by talking to Ms. Jean or getting a tutor.

  9. To start this blog post off, I'll talk about Michelle. What she did was very uncalled for and disrespectful, and it infuriates me to know that she started such a poisonous and hateful Facebook page. I do understand that she struggles with staying dedicated to school; however, the fact that she always takes the easy way out by blaming others for her faults is totally not okay. She claims that she should not get a harsh punishment because she didn't engage in the racist commenting, but I know that Michelle enjoyed and relished every moment of the life of the monster she created. She deserves the harsh punishment that Ms. Jean thinks is appropriate. (If not to show Michelle the consequences, then to avoid the lawsuit.) Next, I really don't blame Michelle's boyfriend, John Colbert, all that much because he barely participated in the Facebook page. Yes, he could have stopped it before it reached its peak, but I understand how hard it is to say no to someone you really love. He didn't want to mess things up, and I don't blame him for it. That said, he still posted on the website. Every student who participated in that should be punished in some shape or form. Now, Michelle's friend, Janet, really annoys me because she had so much potential, and she threw it all away for popularity. I find her "excuse" for not stopping the page very realistic, but it just makes me roll my eyes. She needs to find a new group of friends instead of a manipulative, b-word girl who only brings out the worst in her. The people I do feel a lot of sympathy for are Alison Lewis, Mr. Roberts, and, of course, Ms. Jean the victim. First, Alison Lewis should not be punished severely because she simply knew about the page. Though it was wrong for her not to tell, she redeemed that wrong by never feeding the hate of the page. Next, I pity poor Mr. Roberts' lack of problem-solving skills. He needs to get himself together to sort this out. I do understand how much pressure he has on his shoulders though. Everyone is counting on him to fix everything, which is an intimidating task. Finally, Ms. Jean just doesn't deserve any of this cruelty at all. She doesn't understand how teenagers work, and she shouldn't be teaching. The fact that she is in such a incompatible profession IS her fault, but nobody deserves that kind of hate, even the school's bully.


  10. After reading the Facebook case I found that the characters were motivated in a lot of different ways. Ms. Jean was motivated by money and retirement, and Michelle was motivated by anger and annoyance. Mr Roberts was motivate by the school and a sense of duty to deal with the problem. Most of the decisions I saw made were unethical and pretty bad for the character in the long run. Ms. Jean made an unethical decision by becoming a teacher for money only. She doesn't even like kids so her becoming a teacher just so she could retire early is not an ethical decision. She is hurting students grades and signaling out students, she isn't an ideal teacher. Mr Roberts made an unethical decision by having her keep teaching after fielding a bunch of complaints about her. I sympathize with John because he did pretty much exactly what I would do if my girlfriend asked me to help her on the site. I would let it go to a point and then point out to Michelle when it started getting to far. Then if she asked me to keep posting i would just tell her I'm done because its gone to far.

  11. I feel that a lot of people messed up here. To start things off, I feel that Ms. Jean is a bad teacher and shouldn't be one if she isn't committed to helping her students. On the other hand, I feel like the dad was right when he talked to the principal. Mr. Roberts, unfortunately, didn't make the best decision. I agree with him not switching Michelle's classes because of the work she would be behind in in all of her other classes. I feel that when he talked to ms. Jean, mr. Roberts shouldn't have mentioned Michelle's name and should of shown more effort in helping ms. Jean become a better teacher. I think that Michelle is only put in her situation because of other people's decisions but that doesn't justify her. Michelle is angry, I understand that, but she expresses her angry in a bad and destructive manner. Instead of starting a public teacher bashing page, Michelle could have written in a journal or something like that. I feel that the people who used the page for cheating should be charged in front of the council for cheating. Those who posted the comments should be charged for that. I also feel that the people who knew abut it but didn't take part (or at least stopped when it turned bad) should have a much smaller punishment from those who posted regularly.

  12. The person i empathize with the most is Michelle in this case. I feel like she was put in an extremely awful situation no matter what her previous offenses were. She may have fabricated the whole story of being singled out by Ms. Jean, but Mr. Roberts used her name in conversation with the teacher, and proceeded to keep Michelle in that class. This was poor planning on his part; of course the two parties involved would come into conflict in future situations, they were practically pitted against one another. After this, I can only assume that Michelle would feel trapped (ie being forced to remain in a class with a teacher who had just been informed of Michelle's dad's complaint). If Ms. Jean is not an effective teacher, something should be done. The school shouldn't have a teacher with a reputation as such, because the harsher grades received in that class have the same effect on those students' GPAs as the more lenient classes on other students'. Michelle's actions may have been impulsive and highly immature, but she is a teenage girl of the 21st century, and therefore the only way to resolve such an issue is to gather sympathizers and take to facebook. I am not a fan of Janet because she comes across as a sort of leech, making friendships solely for utility. She lacks a personality or strong morals/values to guide her so she preys on those of others.

  13. I think that the person who should be punished the most is Michelle. She is the person who created the website and came up with the idea of it. I think that Mr. Roberts did not act correctly when he had a conversation with Michelle's dad about getting Michelle out of Ms. Jean's class. Ms. Jean was not performing her duties as a teacher and was not representing the school well. Mr. Roberts should have disciplined her instead of Michelle in the first place. Instead, he decided to tell Ms. Jean about Michelle's complaints and this escalated the situation. I think Michelle made an unethical decision to create the Facebook page and that it would not be a justifiable thing to do regardless of how Ms. Jean had acted. I think Ms. Jean was unethical in singling out Michelle and embarrassing her in front of the whole class. I also do not think that Mr. Roberts acted fairly towards Michelle. Instead of helping Michelle out and getting her into another class, he turned the situation over to Ms. Jean who already was a problem. I think that all three of those individuals can be held at fault for what accused. However, I don't think that the other students who posted on the page were at fault.

  14. Michelle in my opinion is a hard person to judge. Her motives for attacking Ms. Jean were quite obvious because she felt that she was being treated unjustly, but in my opinion that does not warrant the harassment Ms. Jean faced for doing her job, no matter her ability to do her job well. I personally sympathize with Ms. Jean and the teachers, while Michelle was not allowed out of Ms. Jeane's class, one class with a bad teacher will not kill the rest of your life and does not give you the power to indirectly threaten the life of a teacher. We have all had bad teachers, you get through it and don't take their class again. While I do agree that Ms. Jeane was not a good teacher and should be replaced immediately, teachers are there to help you and you should allow them to do that. Ms. Jeane simply was dead weight to the school and which I do not see why Mr. Roberts did not see how Ms. Jeane was negatively affecting the students learning, this was proven by the grades her students were receiving. One lone ivy-league bound kid was succeeding in her class.
    Back to the topic, Michelle's actions were immature and unprofessional, she should be able to control herself and atleast have the decency to realize what she has done and take down the page.

  15. Mrs. Jean is Michelle's math teacher. Because Mrs. Jean never wanted to become a teacher, she took her frustrations out on her students. I think that Mrs. Jean's motivation to punish the students involved in the website is purely revenge, she wants to punish the kids that took part in humiliating her. Mrs. Jean makes an unethical decision by taking her frustrations out on Michelle. Michelle is a popular teenage girl that over reacts to her grades. In this case, Michelle tries to gain sympathy from her father and her principle to move her out of Mrs. Jean's class. Michelle has a problem of criticizing her teacher rather than herself. Michelle's motivation in this situation was to release all of her anger towards Mrs. Jean on a website. Janet Greene is a good friend to Michelle, she helps Michelle to create the website. To Janet, Michelle is her helper to climb the social ladder, so Janet tries to kiss up to Michelle whenever a chance comes by. The motivation for Janet to create the website was to seek Michelle's attention and friendship. Janet makes an unethical decision by making the hate site towards Mrs.Jean just to impress Michelle. John Colbert, Michelle's boyfriend, helps Michelle to post pictures and information on the website to gain Michelle's affection. John's motivation in this situation was purely to gain his girlfriend's affection towards him, even if it meant to hurt others. Although John eventually stops helping Michelle, he still makes the unethical decision by posting hurtful photos of Mrs.Jean. Alison Lewis is Michelle's best friends. Although Alison loves Michelle dearly, they've grown apart in personality. I think that Alison made a ethical decision by not taking apart in Michelle's Internet activities. I sympathize with John the most in this situation. John is put in this though situation of deciding what is right;gaining his girlfriend's affection or his teacher's reputation and feelings. But in the end, I think that John chose the right path by staying out of Michelle's scheme.

  16. Legally I think that school is not within its right to punish Michelle and the other students for activity that was done outside of school. Michelle was simply exercising her First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech. There was a case exactly like this:(J.S. V. BLUE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL DISTRICT)Having said that, her actions were completely immoral, unethical and without a doubt immature. We all come about those horrible teachers that we can't stand. She responds to the humiliation with this harassment.Many of the characters are quite hard to sympathize for. I do understand Michelle's motives, but not her actions. With the dangers of the internet, she would have been better off with a journal to release her anger. Janet, however, I cannot sympathize for. Countless times in class I have stated that I truly value individuality. Janet epitomizes what I really dislike about high school. Some people hold such useless social power, and others willingly follow in hopes of being a part of it all. Ms.Jean didn't really do anything ethically wrong, at least not when making her decision to become a teacher. She reminds me of the professor in Finding Forrester. She hasn't shown discontent with those who do well in the class, but like that professor, her only reason for becoming a teacher was because she failed attempting to enter the mathematical field. A teacher is not a route for you if you can't experience pure happiness simply from helping kids. Those are the kind of people that make good teachers. Where she did go morally wrong was taking her frustration at her failure out on her students. If she were to let go of the idea that "she didn't make it" then she could have a chance at being a good teacher. Mr. Roberts is definitely doing wrong by keep Ms. Jean around after countless number of complaints. Of course his main worry might be budget, but as the principal of a school his main priority should be to provide the best quality education for his students. Probably as most have said, Alison, throughout the whole case made all the right/ethical/moral decision. I'd like to believe that if put in a situation like this one, I would most likely act as Alison did.

  17. Although it's hard to point fingers at any one person, I believe Michelle messed up the most. Even in the beginning she questioned if Ms. Jeane had actually done her wrong. She had struggled in the class, and claimed her teacher was to blame. Given, the class was hard, but Michelle never missed an opportunity to push her problems onto other people. Surprisingly enough, I sympathized with Ms. Jeane the most. That's not to say she wasn't cruel, she was, but I think she had the right intentions. She was there to do her job, which was hell-ish. I think she could have handled Michelle better after the meeting with Mr. Roberts, but I don't think Michelle should have ever started the Facebook page, and she definitely should of shut it down after the threats. Mr. Roberts did no wrong by telling Ms. Jeane the name of the student. Michelle created the whole issue in the first place, so I think she should've ended it by taking the most punishment and accepting she was to blame.
